Material Transfer Agreement

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) for the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and the Lausanne University Hospital  (CHUV).

These MTAs must only be used for the transfer of material to an academic institution; please contact us, should you need to transfer material to a company.

These MTAs are not suitable for the transfer of DATA and HUMAN SAMPLES. If you need to transfer DATA and HUMAN SAMPLES please contact us.

When transferring material to an American academic institution, please use the templates with US reference. These agreements are not governed by swiss law, which is an imperative condition for american public institutions to enter into agreements.

The templates must be completed using all the fields and sent to the other party for signature.

Thank you for forwarding a copy of the signed agreements to us at

Please contact us at
– if you need a different template from the ones provided herein
– for every request or modification of our templates by the other party

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information !