

Supporting and protecting your research

PACTT offers UNIL and CHUV researchers the opportunity to evaluate their inventions, advises them on the legal aspects of their research collaborations and on intellectual property issues,  manages any intellectual property created,  identifies potential industry partners, negotiates licence contracts, and offers advice on the creation of spin-off companies.

You have an idea that has the potential to create a social or economic impact? Come and speak with us first!

In most cases, projects emanating from academic research require significant development and hence considerable investment before they can be commercialised. The necessary funding can only be raised if the underlying intellectual property can be protected. Any public disclosure of your idea (by means of a presentation, abstract, poster, scientific article, website, thesis defence etc.), before filing for a patent application, precludes us from obtaining patent protection for your invention. This is why we encourage you to inform PACTT about your invention as early as possible, but in any case, before any public disclosure of your results.